harlowslabs.com - Harlow's Labrador Retrievers

Description: AKC English Yellow, Black, and Chocolate Labrador puppies, Top quality English Labrador puppies, Labrador Stud service, Fall/Winter puppies

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Harlow's Labrador Retrievers proudly uses Kuranda Dog Beds! Our adult dogs and our puppies love these beds. They truly are Labrador proof. I have not had one bed chewed up. This is an excellent product that will last a lifetime! I strongly encourage everyone I know to try out these beds. Not only will your dog love it, but you will save a lot of money over the years because you won't have to continue to purchase dog beds. We have the X-large beds for our Labradors.

Welcome to Harlow’s Labrador R etrievers. We are located in Riverside, CA.  My husband and I grew up with Labrador Retrievers and there is no better dog to raise a family around. Our family takes pride in raising quality AKC Labrador Retrievers. We usually have two or three litters a year.  Our goal is to breed the best quality of outs tanding family pets, champions and hunting dogs. We have been breeding Labradors for many years and specialize in the English (Show/Bench style) Yellow, Black, and Chocolate

Our dogs are bred to be family pets, service dogs, hunting dogs and for conformation. We have puppies ranging in color from very light yellow to dark yellow, black, and chocolate. Our dogs come from some of the finest AKC English Yellow, chocolate and Black Champion show lines.  All are puppies are registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC), and we have a 25 month guarantee on hips and elbows.   

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