hasbeento.com - PUBLOG

Example domain paragraphs

February 10th, 2010

After many years with Opera as my primary browser, I’ve partly started to use Google Chrome as it’s rather fast and the UI is really sweet. Google Chrome has got some very useful tools for webdevelopers, but I was surprised that there was no ‘View Selection Source’ item in the context menu. I’ve therefore decided to port my User JavaScript which allows you to see the source of a selected part of a page, originally developed for Opera, to Google Chrome as an extension (which turned out to be surprisingly eas

The Chrome extension API doesn’t allow you to add items to the context menu (yet?), so after installation, there is an icon next to the address bar which you can click to display the source code. If you don’t like the default Mozilla-like color scheme of syntax highlighting, you can go to the Options page and choose the Desert one instead.