- Hausform a unique bespoke furniture designer & producer

Description: Hausform believe the best design products combine simplicity with understated elegance. Our specialist furniture products are all handmade & can be designed to your unique specification so why not let hausform create something beautiful for you!

interior design (6975) handmade furniture (114) unique furniture (38) bespoke products (9)

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The Hausform Bauhaus Clock

The Hausform Bauhaus Clock was an experiment with time. The first in fact! So when does sculptural art become functional? I actually believe this happens with any piece regardless of any incorporated mechanism or intended improvement of its usefulness.  Functional in the sense that it lifts the sprits and gives you joy. We are conditioned to exclude joy and happiness from the daily to-do list, instead measuring our success by  productivity, growth and profit gained. What if we lived each day ensuring that j

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