headspacesprockets.com - Peter Gabel Website

Description: Peter Gabel's Personal Website

ai (9178) learning (5464) nlp (1936) big data (1852) logic (493) reasoning (62) knowledge. cognitive science (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Peter L. Gabel, President, Headspace Sprockets, LLC.

I’m a technologist and serial entrepreneur with Bachelors' and Masters' Degrees from MIT in Interdisciplinary Science. "Interdisciplinary" characterizes me well as my interests and activities have spanned traditional divisions throughout my professional life. Innovation often arises from applying the insights and models from one field to another.

For me, programming is a way of expressing ideas arising from Cognitive Science and Linguistics mixed with models from many sources but particularly from mathematics and physics. Most of my AI research is in computational linguistics including construction grammars and the interface to situation semantics. Other recent work has led to innovations in geospatial inference, big data workflow, and audio processing.