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Reiki is a Japanese structure of alternative medicine called energy healing. The term "Reiki" refers to a "mystery environment" and a "miracle sign." It is derived from the Japanese words "rei" (universal) and "ki" (life energy). Energy healing focuses on the body's energy fields. Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical harm or maybe emotional pain, according to practitioners. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness. Universal energy acts as a medicine and aims to help the flow

doctor for professional help for any medical or mental [health] issues,”. Once you’ve gotten help from a professional, Reiki may be added as a form of complementary care.

One popular theory involves a phenomenon known as the “biofield.” The biofield is an electromagnetic field that permeates and surrounds every living being. In humans, this field extends 15 feet or more from the body, according to Ann L. Baldwin, PhD. Every cell in the body produces an electrical charge through positive and negative charges, which then create magnetic fields. Physicists have found that these tiny particles of energy can be in more than one place at one time, and that thought or intention may