heat-sealing.com - ROPEX® America | RES Heat Seal Controllers | 414 507-9378

Description: ROPEX® RES | Impulse heatseal controls and components for sensorless heatsealing and manipulation of heat sealable materials | Force Global | USA

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Force Global - ROPEX America, direct sales and support for End-users, OEMs, and Distributors . Offering the complete range of Ropex RES controllers, components and consumables to support your existing equipment repairs and upgrades. For new system development, we provide leading German Ropex heat sealing technology with closed-loop resistance / temperature control for precision sensorless temperature controlled heat sealing. Our complete heat sealing solution will:

ROPEX RES Technologie - By use of continuous current and voltage measurements, the controller monitors the change in resistance of the heatseal element caused by the temperature variation. This measurement cycle is executed 50 times/second (50 Hz) or 60 times/second (60 Hz).

ROPEX RES Controllers maintain the heatseal element temperature at the pre-selected set-point by adjusting the primary voltage of the power transformer. With closed-loop resistance / temperature control, any change in the heatseal element temperature will cause a corresponding change in resistance. The controller will detect this change and instantly respond. The actual temperature is continuously regulated to maintain the pre-selected set-point. Even infinitesimal thermal changes are instantly detected and