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The mission of the Haralson County Sheriff's Office is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Haralson County while being committed to providing the highest quality of law enforcement services by working in harmony with the community and maintaining respect for individual rights and human dignity.

As members of the Haralson County Sheriff's Office, we are charged with the responsibility of serving and protecting the residents of Haralson County and those who visit and pass through our county. The Haralson County Sheriff's Office enforces all laws and ordinances, protects life and property, preserves the peace and strives to prevent crime and disorder. We are guided by the ordinances of Haralson County Government, the laws of the State of Georgia and the Constitution of the United States of America.

We strive to set a standard of excellence for others to follow. In keeping with this goal, we have adopted a mission statement that reflects the fundamental principals of the organization and should be the cornerstone of each and every member of the Haralson County Sheriff's Office policing philosophy: "As we enter a new era, we vow to protect and serve our community by using effective and proven standards, with a positive and progressive attitude in every aspect of public service."

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