heaventopology.net - Heaven Topology

Description: Weird games, music, and words

Example domain paragraphs

This is an "add-on" for tabletop RPGs that allow old-school modules to be played as a solo game. There are other tools that enable solo RPG play, but I felt that none were able to capture the energy of the OSR. This is my solution to that problem, in the form of a zine. It includes wacky and unpredictable curses, a light meta-narrative, and advice for keeping things fun as a solo player. The first in the line of "Dungeonsport" gaming materials.

Grid Wizard, Grid Magician, Grid Magus, and Grid Juggler are a series of albums all released in 2023. It's the product of me branching off into trying new tools and styles of creating music, including trying out physical hardware and digital modular synthesis for the first time. Despite being part of a group, each one sounds very little like the others.

This was my first physical release, with a set of cassettes being produced through Ingrown Records . The magic words I had in mind while composing it were "Kirby Prog," and I think the sound ended up fitting that description nicely. Was featured on the "New and Notable" section on the front page of Bandcamp, which was really exciting!

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