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A Man Of Excellent Spirit [Page 1 Of 9] “Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an EXCELLENT SPIRIT was IN HIM. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.“ - Daniel 6:3 *************************** The key to Daniel's splendid fidelity may be found in the statement of my text, repeated in other parts of the book, "an EXCELLENT SPIRIT was in him." This statement literally means that in Daniel SPIRIT predominated, was uppermost, and was enthro

Unfortunately, I guess that’s how many people see it. “There are many ways to heaven, and Jesus is just one of those ways.” Yet, He makes this disclaimer, “I am the Way, The Truth, and the Life, NO ONE comes to the Father except by Me. John 14:6. This is to say, Jesus is the only Shepherd worth following, all others are hirelings (there for hire and for money.) He is the ONLY door, and it is He who has the Keys of death and the grave within His power and in His possession. So to have aspirations of entering