heelpaincanberra.com - Canberra Heel Pain Institute - Canberra's Number 1 Heel Pain Specialists

Description: Welcome to the Canberra Heel Pain Institute. CHPI focuses on a very common issue in the foot, Heel Pain. CHPI is dedicated to bringing you relief fast.

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We are open and treating as normal given we are an essential service. Heel pain very commonly develops in lockdown, we can help! Call us today or Make a Booking . ","pro_version_enabled":"","disabled_on_current_page":false,"debug_mode":"","id":16,"disabled_pages_array":[],"is_current_page_a_post":false,"disabled_on_posts":"","simple_banner_font_size":"16","simple_banner_color":"#050608","simple_banner_text_color":"","simple_banner_link_color":"#00869c","simple_banner_close_color":"","simple_banner_custom_cs

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Achilles Tendon Pain