Description: Derek Hegsted Fine Art displaying original paintings by Derek Hegsted. Depicted are the Savior Jesus Christ and various relationships to Him. Portraits, landscapes and photo editing by an artist trained in the classical style.
art (57031) artist (37523) christian (11204) fine art (10560) jesus (8043) paintings (7088) christ (3175) christian art (131) derek hegsted (1) hegsted fine art (1)
The new painting, "Gethsemane Grove," was recently juried in the International LDS Art Competition featuring top artists from countries around the world, such as Greg Olsen, Del Parsons and J. Kirk Richards.
Coming Soon: New book... "On My Way to Galilee" A long awaited sixteen year collection of paintings and poems testifying of the divinity of the Master. Over 30 pages of color pictures and writings depicting gospel subjects. Also, a collection of paintings on a man's journey through the holy land, some never before released to the public. Order early to be first to get a copy of this book!
In celebration of an infant's life a new painting has been developed with Christ holding a new born. Contact Us.