- Helping Hand Projekt

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed disorders in children and young people; about 5‑7% of children and young people are affected by this neurodevelopmental disorder (Polanczyk et al., 2007). In Hungary, there is an estimated 70,000 children with ADHD, which means that there is likely to be at least one in every classroom.

Children who struggle to manage their behaviour, pay attention, regulate their emotions, make friends, develop positive relationships with adults, and cope with the demands of traditional educational structures and practices are challenging to deal with for parents and teachers. What is more, these children do not present with these challenging behaviours intentionally. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which means that it is to some degree present from birth and the difficulties experienced by these c

However, most if not all children with ADHD struggle academically, due to the demands of educational environments (e.g., sit still and pay attention for long periods). However, with the right kind of support, both at home and in school, children with ADHD can reach their potential and become contributing members of their communities. However, if these children do not learn skills to deal with their difficulties, then they are at risk for a range of negative outcomes, such as repeated experiences of failure,

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