- Help The Persecuted |

Description: Help The Persecuted is non-profit organization helping persecuted Christians in the Middle East and North Africa. Send help to those suffering persecution today.

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“Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; today I declare that I will restore to you double.”

As they returned from Babylonian exile, the prophet Zechariah calls the suffering Israelites “prisoners of hope”. They stubbornly clung to the good promises of a faithful God amid years of immense suffering.

At Help The Persecuted , we walk with countless “prisoners of hope” every day—persecuted Christians who trust Jesus against all odds, no matter the cost. They have hope in a Savior who redeems all brokenness. A Savior who has endured the utmost suffering on a Roman cross. A Savior who, despite all odds, is calling lost sheep throughout the Muslim world to Himself.