hepac.org.cn - 高能物理分会

Description: 高能物理分会

高能物理分会 (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Physics Letters B ensures the rapid publication of important new results in particle physics, nuclear physics and cosmology. Specialized editors are responsible for contributions in experimental nuclear physics, theoretical nuclear physics, experimental high-energy physics, theoretical high-energy physics, and astrophysics.

Nuclear Physics A focuses on the domain of nuclear and hadronic physics and includes the following subsections: Nuclear Structure and Dynamics; Intermediate and High Energy Heavy Ion Physics; Hadronic Physics; Electromagnetic and Weak Interactions; Nuclear Astrophysics. The emphasis is on original research papers. A number of carefully selected and reviewed conference proceedings are published as an integral part of the journal  

Chinese Physics Letters(Chin.Phys.Lett.), published by the Chinese Physical Society, is charged with providing rapid publication of short reports and important research in all fields of physics. The journal provides its diverse readership with coverage of major advances in all aspects of physics, including the newest and most important achievements of physicists in China as well as other parts of the world。

Links to hepac.org.cn (1)