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Description: This site is dedicated to unveiling God's Word, the Bible, to those who truly seek to know it and live by it.

bible (6224) god (5018) jesus christ (1170) prophecy (546) yeshua (234) sabbath (189) passover (116) yahshua (71) holy days (46) sabbatarian (3)

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The Bible is the best-selling book of all time. Unfortunately, most people spend little or no time actually reading it. This book, written by more than thirty-five men over a period of some sixteen centuries, is not simply a great literary work of antiquity. It is God's inspired revelation of Himself to mankind!

The Bible reveals who God is and shows us His plan for humanity. It also gives us a glimpse of future world events before they occur. Yet very few understand what God is doing on this earth. Why has this state of affairs occurred?

The Bible clearly tells us in Revelation 12:9 that the great dragon, that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan, has deceived the whole world . That means you and me, all of us. None have completely escaped the illusions and deceptions of the "Father of Lies."

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