heritage-marine.com - Heritage Marine | Boatyard | Shipwright | Marine Engineering | Chandlery

Description: Based at Maldon in Essex, Heritage Marine provide first class marine engineering and shipwright services, as well as boatyard and marine chandlery supplies for traditional classic boats and modern craft

boatyard (175) marine engineering (103) shipwright (14) classic boat (14) marine chandlery (11)

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Heritage Marine Limited was founded by a group of marine contractors specialising in traditional vessel and work boat maintenance and operation, as well as sourcing waterfront locations, boats and marine co-ordination for the Film and Television industry.

There is a nucleus of skilled Boat Builders, Shipwrights, Engineers and Riggers and associated trades to carry on this work with Downs Road Boatyard providing the ideal location for major restorations, new builds as well as minor repairs

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