Description: Newberg is a show that covers the pursuit of happiness through art and the realities and setbacks. All the behind the scenes of TV, writing, comedy, touring, and my usual silliness. The show will remain 30 minutes and will be just me 75 percent of the time and the occasional guest.
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Newberg is a show that covers the pursuit of happiness through art and the realities and setbacks. All the behind the scenes of TV, writing, comedy, touring, and my usual silliness. The show will remain 30 minutes and will be just me 75 percent of the time and the occasional guest.
Newberg Pod "The Reality of Reality."
Newberg is a show that discusses the pursuit of happiness through art. Plus, Hollywood stuff, writing, comedy, touring, etc. This episode is about Reality TV. If you enjoy the show, please like, review and subscribe. Today's guest: Me