hexabit.ro - Hexabit Romania

Description: XBRL reporting for various taxonomies, Corep, Finrep

taxonomy (115) xbrl (60) taxonomie (16) finrep (7) corep (6)

Example domain paragraphs

Hexabit was established in 2005 as a software solutions company. Our services are ERP and CRM development for banking and financial industry, data migration and consolidation.

The team already gained over 15 years of experience in development and maintenance of core banking and alternative channels applications: cards, internet banking and systems integration, data migration and data warehouse.

Among our most important projects are loans module development for both corporate an retail including the flow for loan requests and approval, Basel II prerequisites implementation, middleware for debit cards, credit cards interface, data warehouse, data migration and reporting. Our projects include XBRL reporting for various taxonomies, Corep, Finrep, etc.