hexagononlinecounselling.com - Online and Telephone Counselling for Women and Young People. Confidential, Emotional Support for Women.

Description: If you are looking for some additional support through a challenging time, trying to improve an area of your life or reflect on some aspect of the past and make changes I can offer you a safe, reliable space to explore your concerns, worries and difficult thoughts and feelings. | Homepage

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I support women and young people online. Through developing a deeper understanding of yourself you can build the confidence to make positive change in your life and move towards reaching your full potential. So, if you are looking for some additional support through a challenging time, trying to improve an area of your life or reflect on some aspect of the past and make changes I can offer you a safe, professional space to explore your concerns, worries and difficult thoughts and feelings.  I am highly trai

Do explore my site to find out more about me, Liz Lilley , and how the sessions work . I welcome contact from parents to discuss how they might move forward with any struggles or concerns. 

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