hgdc.ac.in - Hamidia Girls Degree College

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Hamidia Girls’ Degree College, a constituent minority college was established in 1975 with the vision to empower the educationally, socially and economically disadvantaged girls of the minority community. Adopting “seek knowledge from cradle to grave” as its creed, the five principles of Ilm (knowledge) Amal (practice) Iman (faith) Sadaqat (truthfulness) and Khidmat (service) became its guiding light.

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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of global plan emphasise upon gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls. This can be achieved through education as educated women contribute effectively towards the development of the society and nation. Hamidia Girls’ Degree College since its inception has been striving hard to extend quality education to the girl students of the densely populated, under privileged minority concentrated area. It was the vision of the founders to ensure the sustainable d

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