hidrostank.com - Hidrostank - Soluciones innovadoras para mejorar el rendimiento de la obra civil

Description: Soluciones innovadoras para mejorar el rendimiento de la obra civil así como optimizar la gestión de las redes de Pluviales y Saneamiento: arquetas de PP, pates, tapas plásticas, equipamiento para tanques de tormenta, celdas de infiltración para sistemas urbanos de drenaje sostenible (SUDS)

arquetas de registro (1) arquetas polipropileno (1) arquetas telefonica (1) arqueta tipo m (1) arquetas sevillana endesa (1) arquetas iberdrola (1) arquetas ayuntamiento madrid (1) pate polipropileno (1) valvulas vortex (1) valvula vortice (1)

Example domain paragraphs

HIDROSTANK was born in 1996 as a result of a commitment to offer innovative solutions that would improve the performance of Civil Works, as well as to try to optimize the management of the Sanitation and Rainwater networks.

During this time HIDROSTANK has been collaborating both nationally and internationally, with the different administrations, engineering companies, construction groups… who have trusted our products for their different projects.

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