highhillhomeschool.blogspot.com.au - Highhill Homeschool

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This is an ironic welcome post, because it is also serving as my final post on Highhill Education. After homeschooling for 14 years I have one child in college, and two in high school. I'm still homeschooling, but have really said all I have to say. With out a doubt homeschooling has been a huge success for our family. Although there have been ups and downs along the way, we (and I'm including myself) have learned so much and are continuing to learn. Each of my children has developed a love of learning, a f

My oldest graduated from Highhill Education, and is in her second year of college studying mechanical and biomedical engineering. She has a internship job lined up for this summer where she will be working in an injection molding group and a co-op job lined up for Jan-Aug of the following year where she will be working for a company that designs orthodontic devices. My younger two are still finishing up high school and following in her footsteps of success.

While homeschooling my husband and I created two products which are still available through this blog. Speed! is a skip-counting card game that helps children learn to multiply. Johnny's Jelly Bean Tacos is a book my husband wrote and my girls and I illustrated.