highlandexplore.scot - Inverness Townscape Heritage Project - Inverness Museum and Art Gallery

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The Inverness Townscape Heritage (TH) project was a grant-giving scheme that helped regenerate areas of social or economic need, in this case Academy Street.  An integral part of the historic Old Town, it originally formed a defensive edge of Inverness, and later became the industrial area. The TH Project aimed to increase understanding of the heritage of the street.  Inverness Museum and Art Gallery and AOC Archaeology worked with local groups to create content for a website highlighting the history and de

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High Life Highland is a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland No. SC407011 and is a registered Scottish charity No. SC042593. Registered office Highland Archive Centre, Bught Road, Inverness, IV3 5SS. Telephone: 01349 781700. Email: [email protected]