highvibehealingwellness.com - High Vibe Healing | | balance, health & well-being for mind, body & spirit

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Welcome to HEALING. Welcome to GROUNDING. Welcome to RESTORATION. LET US SHOW YOU   Here, you are more YOU. And it doesn’t matter that you don’t have all the answers, because you are ENOUGH just the way you are. Welcome to HEALING. Welcome to GROUNDING. Welcome to RESTORATION. LET US SHOW YOU WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO High Vibe Healing is committed to a more empathic and united world. To get there, we need to raise our vibrations.

Energy is what comprises the foundation of our beings in the universe. When we are vibrating at low frequencies, we tend to be angry, sad, stressed, depressed, and not very helpful to ourselves or others.

When our vibrations are high, however, we are operating out of a sense of ease, abundance, peace and bliss. We make gratitude a priority, and are able to practice true empathy and acceptance as a way of life. THE REIKI PRECEPTS High Vibe Healing strives to abide by the 5 Reiki Precepts. These precepts have been passed down to us by Reiki masters throughout the generations. The precepts are as follows: