hilliemahoney.com - Hildegarde Mahoney

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The official homepage of author Hildegarde Mahoney and her memoir, Journey Interrupted .

Journey Interrupted by Hildegarde Mahoney. Regan Arts. | 304 pages | ISBN 9781682450147 | April 2016

In the spring of 1941, seven-year-old Hildegarde Ercklentz and her family leave their home in New York City and set off for their native Germany, where her father has been recalled to the headquarters of the Commerz & Privat Bank in Berlin. It was meant to be an epic journey, crossing the United States, the Pacific, and Siberia—but when Hitler invades Russia, a week-long stay in Yokohama, Japan becomes six years of quasi-detention, as Hildegarde and her family are stranded in Japan until the war’s end. In t

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