hillsideapples.com - Hillside Apples Home Page

Description: Hillside Apples LLC. is a family run orchard located on Highway 54, just minutes east of Green Bay and a short distance from Door County. We grow about 30 different varieties of apples, pears, pumpkins & squash. When you come to pick, you may walk or drive your car into the orchard with your family. Bring a picnic and enjoy the farmland and our beautiful orchard. Do something fun on your day at the orchard! On weekends in September and October, you may enjoy a free wagon ride to and from the orchard and pum

apples (352) apple cider (37) apple picking (32) apple orchard (31) pumpkin picking (26) fall decor (9) carmel apples (5)

Example domain paragraphs


Paula Red - McIntosh type apple with softer flesh and a pleasant sweet\slightly tart taste. Excellent baking apple, perfect for apple sauces.

Zestar - A Very crisp eating apple with a tart/sweet flavor. Can be baked with