historicaltaxcredits.com - Historic Tax Credit Consulting

Description: BrainWave supports conservation, restoration, preservation and adaptive re-use of commercial and residential structures

ohio (5690) historic (1259) preservation (687) tax credits (69) eligibility (50) historical buildings (18) historical homes (8) federal tax incentives (1) ohio state tax incentives (1)

Example domain paragraphs

BrainWave supports conservation, restoration, preservation and adaptive re-use of commercial and residential structures:

Ohio's great and innovative communities have evolved over time, shaped by a wide variety powerful historic currents. Sometimes our community legacies have been carefully preserved, but others have deteriorated and been lost through neglect, obsolescence and changing financial imperitives. The loss of this historic fabric deprives future generations of tangible evidence necessary for understanding the struggles and achievements of our forbears. The State of Ohio and the National Park Service together underst

The Federal Government through the National Park Service offers a 20% tax credit on the certified restoration of income producing, qualifying historic properties. The State of Ohio offers a 25-35% tax credit for certified restoration income producing properties. These combined tax credits apply to a comprehensive list of renovation expenditures. These combined tax credits are a decisive advantage for developers looking for unique and interesting projects within historic rich communities.