hithorizon.ch - European Company Database | HitHorizons.com

Description: Database of 80M+ European companies. Company statistics, profiles, industry data, sales information, number of employees.

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The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in Q1 of 2020, helped e-commerce achieve unprecedented growth. As lockdowns were implemented in many European countries, customers turned to e-commerce and deliveries since they could no longer physically visit stores. In this report, we will take a closer look at e-commerce in 2021 in 27 countries of the European Union, the United Kingdom, Norway, and Switzerland.

It’s the best application for growing our sales. We can also easily switch to a more global outlook since HitHorizons has company data from dozens of countries. What we invested into getting HitHorizons returned to us in just one month.

Lumturi Stainless Steel Nikolas Miklenčič - Sales Manager