Description: 开云手机登录入口创建于2008年10月【请记好发财域名】公司地处安定和谐的江西-南昌市,,这里与周边城市交通便利,区位优势明显。我们主要提供:板材、型材、管材、螺纹、线材、螺旋管、等金属材料销售及房屋建筑工程等相关产品与服务。本企业经营面积充裕、产能大、产品及服务质量过硬,目前企业经营情况良好。在日常经营过程中我们安时完税、依法经营、爱国爱岗、产业报国。
Dusty has an exciting new book, Dusty Baker’s Hitting Handbook. It is an enhanced ebook on teaching and learning the skill of hitting a baseball. The COMPLETE VERSION contains over 335 pages of reading, 4 hours of video, and 10 hours of audio. Available at iTunes, iBooks and sells for $38.99, it also comes in 3 smaller versions consisting of various chapters of the book. These are available at $12.99 each.
Those of you who may be familiar with Dusty’s preceding book and video series, You Can Teach Hitting, will find many similarities, but now the price is only $38.99 for EVERYTHING plus added features such as the audio reading of the entire book and even some review exercises at the end of each chapter. Please beaware that, as of now, there is no printed component of this book, and it is only available for use on an iPad.
NOW AVAILABLE: Enhanced eBook versions for Amazon Kindle , Barnes & Noble Nook and Vook EBooks !!!