- Hong Kong Cellist Society

Description: Founded in 2004, The Hong Kong Cellist Society (HKCS) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization. It is one of the major associations in Hong Kong that promote the art of cello and arouse wider public interest in this beautiful instrument. In the past years, together with Cello Factory, HKCS has participated in various shows and charities performances for guests or organizations, such as Woman Service Association, Jardines Sport Association, Harbour City, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong and Leisure, Cultur

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Hong Kong Cellist Society (香港大提琴家協會)  

Founded in 2004 and registered as a Hong Kong recognized charitable organization (IR file no.: 91/16393) in 2019,  Hong Kong Cellist Society  (HKCS) Co. Ltd  is a non-profit making and non-governmental organization and currently there are over 1800 active members in the society. The Society aims to arouse greater interest in classical music, in particular, cello and cello music, to nurture the sense for greater appreciation in music, and to promote enjoyment through music in Hong Kong.

Our commitment in spreading the love for music and enjoyment in music is exemplified by our continual efforts in bringing the public to music through different channels and presentations.   Since its establishment, Hong Kong Cellist Society (HKCS) has been organizing concerts, workshops and activities in collaboration with locally and internationally renowned musicians and talents such as  Cello Festival   in 2009, 2010 and 2011,  master classes  with professional cellists Jeffrey Solow, Artem Konstantinov,

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