- Hong Kong Telemedicine Association | 香港遠程醫療協會 |

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  The HKTA is the first non-profit ( under section 88 – w.e.f. 03.09.2018 )  organization in Hong Kong advocate promoting access to medical care for consumers and health professionals via telecommunications technology , HKTA is also under the Directory of Hong Kong Trade and Industrial Organisations . HKTA serves a unique platform for exchange knowledge among expertise from health professionals and information technology. HKTA seeks to bring together academic medical centers, telecommunications companies, m

Strategies of HKTA to achieve the goal:

1. Promoting research and education including the sponsorship of scientific educational meetings and the Telemedicine Journal. 2. Educating the Government / Hospital Authority about telemedicine as an essential component in the delivery of modern medical care. 3. Fostering networking and collaboration among interests in medicine and information technology. 4. Provide impetus for the development of appropriate clinical and industry policies and standards.