hlcd.org - HARTVILLE/LAKE Community Development

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To create a community by choice rather than chance, throughout 2020 and 2021 our community gathered both in person and virtually to determine a shared vision for the future. Well over 600 stakeholders, including business and educational leaders, government representatives of the Village of Hartville and Lake Township, as well as the general public voiced their needs and imaginations through a thoughtfully led community engagement process by architecture and design firm, Rothschild Doyno Collaborative .

Our initial project, the 2022 West Maple Guidelines , is the product of that effort. The purpose of these recommendations is to help guide the development process of Hartville’s “Main Street.” Capturing many voices to drive neighborhood change, these guidelines set our community’s goals and ensure that we do not stray from our core principles. It is a living document to be re-examined, revised, and updated regularly.

Purpose: The overall purpose of the West Maple Revitalization project is to beautify and connect the community along West Maple Street from Historic Downtown Hartville to the roundabouts at the Hartville Hardware, Kitchen, and MarketPlace.