hoang-sa.com - Truong Sa and Hoang Sa Archipelagos - geographic locations and history of Vietnam's claims

Description: A study on geographical location and Vietnamese claims of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Archipelagos.

history (7518) location (7220) maps (2076) positions (90) truong sa hoang sa archipelago (2) truongsa hoangsa islands (2) spratly islands (2) paracel islands (2)

Example domain paragraphs

The study on Vietnamese claims to the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands is incomplete and can not be justified without the study on the original and true geographic positions of the "Hoang Sa Archipelago" and "Truongsa Archipelago" - which are the titles today's Vietnam uses to refer to the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands and claims to.

The limited information available on the " Quần đảo Hoàng Sa " and " Quần đảo Trường Sa " from modern Vietnamese language sources makes the study difficult, since historically Vietnamese history was recorded in Chinese language, the information from the mordern romanized Vietnamese language resources was specially selected by the Vietnamese government with the favor to support its claim on the "Hoang Sa" and "Truong Sa" islands. Thus the study of "Hoang Sa" and "Truong Sa" - their origins and their real ori

Since Vietnam started its claims on the Paracels and Spratlys, they have persisted in the argument that the "Hoang Sa islands" they had knowledge of (if it is true) refers to the internationally publicized "Paracels", while mere study was bothered to prove or question that these geographic names really refer to the same area. Similar is for the Vietnamese claims in the Spratlys.