hochwasserrisiko.ch - Flood-Risk Research Initiative

Description: Flood-Risk affects All of Us: Floods not only cause great distress to the affected communities, but also result in high costs. For this reason, the Mobiliar Lab for Natural Risks at the University of Bern launched a research initiative entitled “Flood-Risk Research Initiative – From Theory to Practice”. The goal is to offer a sound basis and innovative tools (Flood Damage Simulator, Flood Damage Potential, Flood Image Memory and Risk Dynamics) for the sustainable management of flood risks.

natural hazards (17) natural hazard (11) flood hazard (5) flor risk (3) damage simulator (3) damage potential (3) flood damage simulator (3) flood damage potential (3) flood image memory (3) mobiliar lab for natural risks (3)

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Floods not only cause great distress to the affected communities, but also result in high costs. For this reason, the Mobiliar Lab for Natural Risks at the University of Bern launched a research initiative entitled “Flood-Risk Research Initiative – From Theory to Practice”. The goal is to offer a sound basis and innovative tools for the sustainable management of flood risks.

Interactive map of Switzerland that visualises the dynamic impacts of floods

Interactive map of Switzerland illustrating current and future flood damage and showing how it can be influenced

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