holinginvestmentgroup.com - 金沙检测线路js95(中国)有限公司

Description: 金沙检测线路js95并非一直都是一所学院.相反,金沙检测线路js95在1888年作为内布拉斯加州的第一所护理学校开始.超过130年,金沙检测线路js95已经建立了一个新校区,扩大了我们的医疗保健教育项目,并采用了一个新的名称.一直以来,金沙检测线路js95一直致力于培养我们的学生成为医疗保健各个领域的佼佼者.这种追求卓越的承诺一直并将永远是金沙检测线路js95的定义性品质.

金沙检测线路js95 (298)

Example domain paragraphs

金沙检测线路js95 has not always been a college. Instead, we began in 1888 as a school of nursing—the first in the state of Nebraska. 在过去的125年里, we've established a new campus, expanded our program offerings and adopted a new name. 一直以来, we've maintained a commitment to preparing our students to be the best in various realms of health care. This commitment to excellence has and always will remain a defining quality of 金沙检测线路js95 .

At 金沙检测线路js95 , you don't just study health care—you prepare to be the best in it. All around you are professionally trained faculty, practicing clinicians and classmates who share the belief that they, 太, 能改善别人的生活吗. With eight fields and twenty majors to choose from, you have a broad range of options for making a difference—quite possibly even before you graduate.

金沙检测线路js95 welcomes undergraduate and graduate students, transfer and international students, and adults who are returning to college to continue their studies or advance their health care careers. Here, you'll find everything you need to get started.

Links to holinginvestmentgroup.com (12)