Description: Are you on a rollercoaster attempting to be as healthy as possible? Are you looking for simpler, sensible and earier healthier approach.
Do you feel like you are on a roller coaster on your journey to be as healthy as possible? There are too many touted so-called healthy lifestyles or healthier lifestyles to follow today. And you find an even greater selection of weight loss programs. Do you find them all too confusing? How many healthier lifestyle changes have you made without success? You started a new weight loss or a healthier lifestyle with excitement and perhaps even saw some early success. And then the progress stopped. Theref
We love the ocean. We now live not far from the east coast and beautiful beaches in Vero Beach, FL. Relaxing and unwinding or just resetting our focus is always more effective at the ocean. Also, Nancy is a breast cancer survivor which means she has seen several surgeries. Facing whatever news, or surgery was always easier after a trip to the ocean. Therefore, we always made a trip from mid-state to the ocean before she faced each event. And then again as soon as her recovery was far enough underway.
Our search for total wellness often reminds me of the ocean. Have you ever sat on the beach watching the waves roll into the shore or watching the white caps break? Perhaps you have experienced the early morning calm when the early sunlight makes the sea sparkle as if it were a diamond-studded mirror. However, have you ever considered what lies beneath those sparkling diamonds or lazy white caps?