holisticmdwendy.com - Wendy Huang, MD

Description: Wendy Huang, M.D.: Holistic Medicine and Acupuncture , Wendy, Huang,, M.D.:, Holistic, Medicine, and, Acupuncture,

and (11999) acupuncture (3755) medicine (3344) holistic (2389) wendy (106) huang (28) wendy huang (1) m.d.: holistic medicine and acupuncture (1) m.d.: holistic medicine and acupuncture m.d.:

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After practicing traditional pediatrics for ten years, I saw that our traditional health care alone was not helping our patients achieve true health. Our current health care focuses on eliminating the symptoms of the disease without eliminating the root of the problem. Many patients required more drugs just to treat side-effects of other drugs!

While we bragged about the length of our average life span, the true health of our nation went downhill. There were very few children with obesity and high cholesterol when I first started my practice 21 years ago. Now, many patients under ten suffer from these conditions.

I did a lot of research, studied many courses, and passed many board exams to re-educate myself in the field of Holistic Medicine. I started by practicing holistic medicine on myself, my family, and my friends and then integrated holistic medicine into my traditional pediatric practice and eventually opened my current practice dedicated completely to Holistic Medicine only. It was a great success, and it brought fulfillment and joy into the way I practiced medicine.