holisticplanet.world - Our Holistic Planetary Blueprint

Description: We live in a “Holistic” world Universe and System where everything, right down to the sub-atomic level, including us, and all Life, are connected and interconnected.   Building a More Perfect Union — Where War is Not The word “Holistic” comes from the ancient Greek word “holos” which means “Whole.” The definition of “Holistic” is essentially characterized by the comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the Whole.

life (8063) nature (7860) light (2466) holistic (2308) blueprint (545) oneness (164) quantum physics (150) wholeness (95) holistic planet (1) law of love (1)

Example domain paragraphs

And the Universe is Us         The Planetization of Humanity — A Better Kind of Globalization         Compassion has No Borders, Nor Boundaries, Nor Barriers                     It is the Essence of All Life as We Exist Naturally as ONE Contact | Home Life Can Be More Intelligently  Organized to Meet the Needs  of All Human Beings  Pyramid of Human Needs Natural Health Networks Parts to the Whole Money as the Creative Oil and  Engine  for Unique Human  Creativity and Purpose Picking Up the Light of the True

      When Corona is Baloney  

Another Way of Life and World is Possible

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