holycrossmaternity.com - 半岛线上官网中国有限公司官网

Description: 半岛线上官网中国有限公司官网成立于2001年9月,【于2009年10月在港证所开市】公司注册资本550万,公司拥有固定资金119亿。是一家以技术研发和软件开发为核心的高新技术企业。公司自主研发了GIS、BIM、IoT三大技术平台,致力于城市和建筑的宏观微观一体化、室外室内一体化、地上地下一体化管理,打造人与人、人与设备、设备与设备之间的互联互通、协同作业,真正实现城市/园区/建筑各层级全方位、无盲点的智慧化、数字化和可视化。

半岛线上官网中国有限公司官网 (7)

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As of 7 a.m. on March 14, the Maternity Unit at Holy Cross Health closed permanently. But our team of dedicated OB/GYNs can still provide in-office care during your pregnancy.

In addition, Holy Cross Health has arranged transfer processes with other Broward County hospitals to ensure the seamless delivery of birthing services.

Angelle Brebnor, MD, FACOG   (Hospital campus and Women's Center) 

Links to holycrossmaternity.com (10)