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As a restaurant owner, you know all too well the importance of maintaining your grease trap. Not only do grease traps help protect both your pipes and commercial kitchen from potential sewer problems, but they also reduce odor as well as long-term operational costs by preventing harmful cooking liquids from overloading municipal sewers or treatment plant systems. Unfortunately, there is often an inclination to delay cleaning – or having it serviced at all – due to the cost involved and a general lack of kno

What Is a Grease Trap and Why Should You Keep It Cleaned Out

A grease trap is an essential component for any establishment that deals with food preparation, cooking, or washing dishes. It is a plumbing device that catches grease and oil before it enters the wastewater system. Without a grease trap, the build-up of fats, oils, and grease can lead to blockages and backups in pipes, bad odors throughout the establishment, and expensive repairs. Generally, it is recommended that a grease trap is cleaned every three months or as frequently as needed depending on the busin