homegrownhoney.co.uk - Home Grown Honey

Description: Home Grown Honey producers of pure raw artisan honey and beeswax.

local (11097) market (3772) honey (1108) raw (696) pure (611) farmer (405) beeswax (224) beekeeper (134) liquid honey (8) set honey (1)

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An entirely natural product gathered by our bees from the fields, hedgrows and woodlands of Kent and East Sussex. 

Our honey is extracted by manually uncapping the wax from the frames, spinning the honey out of the frame and coarse filtering. This preserves the enzymes and pollen in the honey keeping it in the raw state that nature intended.

By buying home-grown produce you not only support the local economy and reduce the energy needed to transport your food, but you can help us in our mission to do everything we can to preserve the honey bee which is so vital for British food production.