homelesssexuals.com - HOMELESS SEXUALS

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Formed in 1996 by Davit (David) Buck and finally getting others to play in the band in 2004 after Davit was asked to sing for a Minor Threat cover band with members of The Mice. The band was a short lived project called Major Threat and sounded like a a Psychotic drunk homeless man singing Minor Threat songs with no since of time.

After a couple Major Threat shows & seeing how Davit upset some people at the shows the members of the Mice Rob Logic,Travis Poe & Raul Campuzano wanted to form a band with Davit so he convinced them to use the name Homeless Sexuals wich he had been trying to get people to be in for years and the logo was allready designed in the late 90's so the band was ready to go out and play shows.

The band took many shapes and forms over the years going through about 30 different members but always keeping that Full Contact Rock N Roll motto going wich caused many members to quit and a couple local bars in the early days to ban Homeless Sexuals and causing them to play under the alias CHICKEN MILK.