homeowmorphism.com - blog

Description: Webpage of a math cat.

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My first college major was neuroscience. I learned about the beauty of mathematics by chance conversations, and eventually decided I deserved to give myself a chance to explore it. When I decided to switch my major to Honours Mathematics, I felt behind my peers who chose math as their major because they had been good at it growing up. After three years in graduate school, I have made my own contributions to mathematics and been invited to various places to present my work to the mathematical community. Alth

A new talk is available for viewing. I gave a version of this talk today at UIC, and this recording was the practice. The content is motivated by growing pains I was having while writing my thesis, which I will elaborate a bit below.

My second paper has been uploaded on arXiv . It is titled “Regular left-orders on groups” and is joint with Yago Antolín and Cristóbal Rivas . In case of interest, I have given talk back in November at Queen’s University on some of the results. A version of the talk is available on YouTube .