honeymoonvolunteers.com - Volunteer Abroad, Honeymoon Volunteering, Responsible Travel | Kaya Honeymoon Volunteers

Description: <p> If you know you would like a life changing experience then how about considering an eye opening, enriching and fulfilling volunteer experience to make your honeymoon even more unique</p>

responsible travel (54) volunteer abroad (52) voluntourism</p> (28) experiential travel (26) <p> honeymoon volunteering

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If you are looking for a truly different and memorable travel experience to celebrate your marriage, a volunteering honeymoon is guaranteed to make that impact – not just on you but on the communities and environments that you choose to help. Find real adventure honeymoon ideas with a heart across Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Solidify your eternal bonds to each other with a honeymoon in the Himalayas working with disadvantaged women and children.

If white sands and blue sea are a must for your honeymoon, you can’t get more picture-perfect than the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar. Help locals benefit from the tourists on their beaches with education programmes for adults and children

Links to honeymoonvolunteers.com (5)