Description: Create fast and scalable APIs effortlessly using your Drizzle Schemas, and deploy it on the edge with Hono.
javascript (14899) cms (13204) react (4006) library (2187) typescript (1241) drizzle (99) headless (84) hono (6) rhinobase (1)
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API Documentation Support 🚀 Getting Started Introduction Guides Quick Start Guide Admin Panel Deployment 📦 APIs defineHub defineCollection createHub createBase @honohub/vite @honohub/react 🔌 Plugins REST API GraphQL usePagination square HonoHub Create fast and scalable APIs effortlessly using your Drizzle Schemas, and deploy it on the edge with Hono. Built on top of Hono , Drizzle , Zod , and Vite .
HonoHub is currently in the "alpha stage". Breaking changes are introduced without following semantic versioning.