honsec.co.uk - Home - LPMCC.net

Description: Home page of the Leicester Phoenix MCC archive website. Dedicated to club past members.

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If you ever wondered about the beginnings of Motorcycle Rallying, because you were either too young to be there or too wasted to recall, the Rally Section is the place to be heading. If you are looking for old friends try the People Index . There is a Contact Centre ready to collect your notes. Be sure to add your own name, tales and mention all your great pals. Keep the friendships alive - don't let your memories fade.

There are memno() past members of the Leicester Phoenix MCC in touch. Contact them and meet for a pint. Send details of when you were a member and as many anecdotes as the libel laws will let you get away with.

Don't worry if you were never a member of the LPMCC. If you rode the bikes and drank the beer, you can be an honorary past member!