honywoodschool.com - Honywood School - Home

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We are a high achieving, comprehensive school serving the village of Coggeshall and nearby communities in North Essex; on May 1st 2011 our school became an Academy.

Young people at our school can expect the most challenging learning experiences. We expect our learners to become independent, mature and empowered, able to make excellent decisions about the lives they lead whilst at our school, as well as learning how to be happy and successful in the lives they will lead on leaving us. These expectations, when added to the strong partnership into which we enter with Honywood School families, ensure our young people consistently outperform their peers, making us one of th

At Honywood, the safety of our learners is a priority along with our pastoral care.  If any parent/carer has any concerns regarding safeguarding we would ask you to report it by contacting our safeguarding team.

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