hopecville.com - Hope is Everything

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Together We Can Giving back through life-changing experiences How You Can Help Learn More About Us Our Team Founder/CEO Joseph Varaksa is currently serving as the full-time Chaplain at the Albemarle County Regional Jail.  In response to the challenges he's encountered in the incarcerated community, Joseph started HOPE IS EVERYTHING. 

Our amazing team consists of  part-time volunteers who are committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information!

As a jail chaplain seeing first hand the despair and hopelessness that can affect individuals and families, any glimmer of hope can make all the difference. It all starts with the little things. That's how the concept of HOPE IS EVERYTHING began. I formed our organization with the idea of providing inmates with backpacks upon release and duffels to Social Services to provide to children put into protective custody.

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