hopefilledhearts4africa.org - Hearts 4 Africa – Charity

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Committed to reduce the mother-infant mortality, morbidity rates in Uganda, Africa and to provide desperately needed medical care for ALL Matthew 25:40

Committed to reduce the mother-infant mortality, morbidity rates in Uganda, Africa And To provide desperately need medical care for All Matthew 25:40

Hearts 4 Africa (or H4A) was founded in 2005 by Sherill Sedillo (Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife), in response to witnessing first-hand the critical lack of medical services and support for women and infants struggling to survive birth in Africa. A dream was born to build a birth center where Ugandan women would be able to have both their physical and spiritual needs met. 

Links to hopefilledhearts4africa.org (1)