hopperpoint.nl - This is Hopper, the bike you share

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...the bike you share. Hoppers are comfortable, well-maintained city bikes that you use temporarily. You'll find them in centers, at prime locations and at companies in ever more Dutch cities. This shared bike is durable, economical and good for your health. Wherever you go, Hopper completes your journey.

Hopper is there for you if you need it. You pick up your bike at a Hopperpoint and bring it back to the same or different Hopperpoint. And after you, someone else will take the Hopper on the road.

In the app you will find Hopperpoints and the number of available Hoppers. You can also book a Hopper if you like. Picking up a shared bike, an overview of your rides and your costs: all that can be done with the same easy-to-use app (in iOS and Android).

Links to hopperpoint.nl (2)